
From now onward,Majority 80% of my friend in facebook would like to change their profile picture as a cartoon...hahahaah...:“20 - 27 November change your profile picture on Facebook for a cartoon of a hero of your childhood and invite your friends to do the same ... These days will celebrate WEEK OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILDREN! Post it share it, because we care about the kids! :”.
So,I decided to change my profile picture--Gardfield!! Awesome, that's cute ~miao~haha..<3 !! why you don't change it??hahaha...

Take picture without smiling face!! I sick around 1 month dy..vomit..sore throat...cough...faint...fever..ALL come and "visit" my body...YEA!!! WELCOME !!! Sigh..I admit..i am the most week ppl in the world..MR.Sick,you make me feel so lazy and suffer.Can you get lost from my body and don't come back again??I'm hard to fight with you....

I swear and Promise that,Next week i will be back and kill all the VIRUS inside my body!!YEA !!!LET"S FIGHT WITH IT !!!! AH LEA LU YA !!!!